I. General
The penetration of the armor on the tank deck at
fortifications and warships to combat it has always been very difficult.
Although after the invention of the solid could return load guns with the full
stories of hardened steel and later with steel projectiles with explosive
filling some success has been achieved, but the use of artillery for this
purpose was, on the whole, quite satisfactory.
While there was enough in the fight against fortifications
turrets to shoot incapacitated or damaging the guns, serious damage could be
done on the armored deck of a warship only if a large-caliber shell hit quite
upright and with great force to the deck.
From the use of torpedoes apart, belonging to a completely different fight methods, the chances increased only after you had created airplanes that make large-caliber bombs with high penetrating power could yield.
Now Germany had for the lost 1.Weltkrieg sign the so-called
"peace treaty between Germany and the Entente", better known as the
"Treaty of Versailles" in which it was in Article 198 as follows:
must entertain Air Force neither by land nor by water as part of its military
system. Germany may last longer than the 1st October 1919 a maximum number of
one hundred seaplanes or flying boats entertain that, exclusively intended for
the exploration of submarine mines , for this purpose, with the necessary
equipment are provided and may carry in any circumstances in arms, munitions or
bombs of any kind . "
Once you are in Germany, had somewhat recovered from the
shock, the this and the many other restrictions had triggered the competent
military authorities had no intention to watch as the Allies continues
rearming, always more modern weapons, ships and aircraft constructed while the
once mighty Germany in the heart of Europe this bustle faced defenseless ..
And so the German military developed secret activities to
which we have often referred. Because this under the eyes of the supervisory
bodies of the victorious powers in Germany was very limited but possible, these
were transferred at the beginning of the twenties abroad.
In aviation it looked so that German companies set up
branches abroad and civil aircraft constructed, but in case of need for war
planes could have been changed or evolved. After all, you did not want to lose
touch with the modern technology and gain experience in other aircraft.
The Junkers set up a branch in Altenrhein, on the Swiss
shore of Lake Constance and the company Rohrbach went Lopenhagen. Then Junkers
went Limham in southern Sweden, where the G 24 has been equipped with 3 pieces
Junker engines each 300 hp to join with Swedish registration on aviation.
While the locally built aircraft were not readily suitable
for military use, comb the German authorities located another event.
In the further course of the closed in Rapallo between
Germany and Russia on 04.16.1922 contract, the in November 1922 also joined the
other Soviet states and in which not only a cancellation of mutual military
schools, but also a strong German economic and technological help structure of
the Soviet economy was decided eventually built the German firm Junkers in Fili
near Moscow a work, in which several hundred reconnaissance and fighter planes
were made for Russia.
During the year 1926, then by the Germans in Lipetsk a
flying school in Kazan an armor school and set up at the airfield near Moscow
Uchtomskaja a test site for the use of poison gas.
Now even attempts at bombing could also in the years 1927
and 1928 with German aircraft by Junkers and Rohrbach who had flown to Lipetsk,
be performed wherein at aircraft, the Junkers "G 24" and the Rohrbach
"Roland" each with around 1000 were tested kg bomb load.
At the same time the Swedish Air Force carried out
experiments in the bombing. To this end, the Swedes acquired the license for
reproduction of the German PuW bombs, and also because the target devices
should be provided for this purpose by the company Carl Zeiss Jena, succeeded
in the German Defense Ministry German officer to be taking part in the tests in
which a 1000 kg bomb was used.
![]() |
The issue of rocket propulsion 06.22.1931 |
The testing of bombs abroad went to 1932, especially in
Russia, continued. After the "Hitler came to power" on 01.30.1933,
the German experimental command in Lipetsk was disbanded and relocated the
attempts to Germany.
The competent authorities of Heereswaffenamt and the
Procurement Office were summarized in the "Technical Office" of the
newly founded Reich Aviation Office, which is now also took over the testing of
bombs. Because the countries should not find out about the still forbidden
experiments, they were camouflaged in the testing sites in Rechlin and
Travemünde, by concurrent firing exercises, performed. At the very same time
orders were for the development and manufacture of bombs, sights, bombing throw
devices, etc., are often awarded to smaller companies.
Been achieved with the appointment of Lieutenant General
Werner von Blomberg to General and Minister of Defense on 30.01.1933, the
adoption of the new Reichswehr Act on 07.20.1933, the withdrawal of Germany
from the so-called Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, talked a lot in, but
nothing was (chief the German delegation was most recently General v.
Blomberg), from 11.12.1933 and simultaneous withdrawal of Germany from the
"League of Nations" began the further expansion of the German
Wehrmacht and the rebuilding of a German Luftwaffe.
In addition to new types of aircraft and antiaircraft guns,
new cluster bombs, large caliber mine bombs, incendiary bombs, explosive bombs
originated etc.
![]() |
Draft of 1933 |
II. The Panzer bombs
Since the bomb development, also in the other states, was
always more advanced and now those have been developed with weights of 1,000 kg
or more, it was generally gone over turrets with a particularly strong armor
and fortifications with meter-thick concrete panels and valuable warships with
some several armored deck to protect it against attacks from the air.
Since not much could be done with conventional bombs, the
time came for the tank bombs and armor piercing bombs. The latter had a top
made of specially hardened steel and an additional explosive charge that was
detonated only if the bomb had gone through the deck, only to damage the machinery
or bring possible by a hit in ammunition chamber, the total destruction of a
The armored deck could however only be hit when the bomb hit
with a corresponding impact on the deck. This in turn caused a large drop
height, while still a high attack can be achieved, but the probability of a hit
greatly reduces .. In addition, the bomb had to have a large weight in order to
achieve the speed at all.
Now the Ministry of Aviation fortunately some experts in
relevant positions (Prof. Heinrich Klein, Colonel Engineer Marquard, General
Udet, Colonel Jeschonnek, Hermman Goring) who believed in a bright future of
being launched rocket technology and the view were represented, that the
penetration of armor bombs significantly could be enhanced if they could, these
provided with a rocket engine.
And so the RLM issued on 10.25.1934 the Ordnance Office
commissioned to be developed so-called "ballast or bomb accelerator".
To this end, we read in the "overview of the state of
developments in the army" as of 01.08.1942, Br. 661/42 g.Kdos. Wa test rod
as follows:
Subject: Bomb Accelerator
Amount receivable: R'- drive for bomb development
acceleration demanded by: RLM
Development Company: Rheinmetall-Borsig, Berlin Marienfelde
job to Waffenamt issued: 10/25/1934
Current status: Rheinmetall drive to force released.
Short-term drive: redesigned by Rheinmetall according Wa
test 11 with respect to the mechanical structure. For 2 temperature ranges from
-35 ° C to + 30 ° C, and + 10 ° C. to + 50 ° C testing. Construction in progress.
Introduction maturity Expected: Autumn 1942
Test pieces: Available 6 test drives in order: matter RLM
Mass ejection: Matter RLM
Technical specifications:
Caliber: 40 cm and more
Punch capacity: 180 mm armor and more
Weight shedding finish: 1050 kg
Specific comments:
R'Bomben (Rheinmetall) until now hardly in use. From April
1942 increased use in the Mediterranean. Decision on short-term drive not
fallen by RLM.
The order has been issued in 1934. While at the Army
Ordnance Office, but with the development itself, it took a little longer.
While running at the time the tests with various rocket engines at full Rouren
but a success they were still some distance away.
The RLM, which was firmly convinced of the effectiveness of
missile engines, had even run at this time another project, namely the board
weapon "RZ 65", in which one rather than "rocket
propulsion" chose so the code name "Smoke-cylinder".
About the beginning of the experiment gives us the report
"About the current state of development of smoke cylinder of caliber 65
mm" of "test site of the Air Force, Tarnewitz" from
29.11.1937Auskunft. It states, inter alia, as follows:
Development program:
After the screening of Mehrkammerrakaten -type Trilling- on
Wangerooge on 15 / 16.07.1934 and the Decision of LC II on 07/27/1934 was in a
meeting at Heereswaffenamt on 07/30/1934 developing "smoke cylinders for
board armament of aircraft to combat enemy bombing squadrons "decided.
It was pointed out that at the former Wa Prw. 1/1 present
the most experience with smoke cylinders and proposed to include with the
company Sander, Wesermünde, connection and there turnkey flue cylinder caliber
6 -.. To have prepared 8 cm with payload bodies "
The development of different types of missiles and systems
was only possible through the intervention of several companies. Unfortunately,
in this case the Army Ordnance Department, the Air Force Office and the Naval
Weapons Office worked in no medium-but even more to today.
As for the "powered armor bombs" are concerned,
writes Dr. Heinrich Klein, the rocket specialist of the company Rheinmetall, in
his book "From the basement to the fireball" that to only towards the
end of 1935 Dipl.Ing.Ernst Marquard from the RLM Rheinmetall came to talk about
the development of new bombs. And only towards the end of 1936 should Marquard,
who later as general engineer of the Department of discharge ammunition in RLM
headed, Heinrich Klein who commissioned by the ballistic department of
Rheinmetall to look for ways to increase the penetration of armor bombs.
With the reintroduction of universal conscription in Germany
on 03.16.1935 all barriers had fallen. Now one needed no longer a secret to
operate and could be open to the development of new weapons systems in order.
According L.Dv. 199 "Preliminary description of
dropping ammunition" from 1935 were introduced at this time:
SC 10 as a cluster bomb
SC 10 t as a cluster bomb without wings for low discharge
GC 10 as a combat-bomb
SC 50 as mine bomb
SC 250 as mine bomb
SC 500 as mine bomb
B 1 El. as firebomb
GC 50 as a combat-bomb
LC 10 F 33 III as luminous parachute bomb
and the associated training and Exerzierbomben.
But more and more effective bombs were already in
development or have been proposed. So we can, for example, seen from Document 1
that is already on the 10.26.1933 Heereswaffenamt, Wa 1 testing has the Reich
Aviation Ministry proposed an armored bomb as SC 500 P, after the Office of the
RLM C testing had requested on 15.8.1933 it.
On page 2 of this document is a handwritten note from the
26.10, which reads as follows.:
"I propose to point out that the use of a rocket is
possible and should be attempted in the way that this occurs only shortly
before impact in activity."
This memo dated 10.26.1933 is so far very meaningful,
because he was made up to one day, exactly one year before the award of the
contract to develop an accelerated through Raketrentrieb armored bomb from
![]() |
Draft of 1933 |
Now it lacked at that time not to proposals by developers
and so-called "inventors". Even a "self-directed aerial
bomb" in 1935 proposed.
Thus, a Mr. Friedrich Vögtle from Ehingen turned on
03/05/1935 at the "Wehr Political Bureau of the NSDAP in Munich, with copies
to the district office of the NSDAP in Ehingen and an undisclosed office in
Berlin In it Mr. Vogtle writes as follows.:
"Mr. Director Beck, Munich. (Ought Böckh hot) I am
sending you the documents discussed and drawings. The patent application as enclosed
copy was sent today also to Berlin.
I hope that the matter can also utilize as it is my wish.
Incidentally, I impart to you still writing the authority,
the whole thing verweerten so, how do you keep it most convenient & as our
country is best served with the matter. I ask to be considered as suggestions
The steerable body thing.
If you can give me suggestions for new work, so I would be
sincerely grateful.
It can be seen that Mr. Vogtle has already (probably by
telephone) contacted the military political office and therefore has the
spelling of the name Böckh rendered incorrectly.
The district headquarters in Ehingen was the operation on
05/07/1935 Director Mr. Boeckh from military official from the Political and
asked for further action (Document 2) documents are received on 05.08.1935
there and this input on the same day under No. 1604/11 g the Lord Vogtle and
confirmed with a separate letter Mr Kreisleiter Blankenhorn.
Unfortunately, what was further action in this matter is
List of tank bombs:
Designation Weight in kg diameter in mm length in mm in kg
PC 500 "Pauline" 500 395 2007 98
PC 1000 "Paul" 1000 500 2100 160
PC 1400 "Fritz" 1400 562 2836 200
PC 1600 660 3185 280 1600
Further development:
The first built in large series, suitable for swooping
fighter aircraft, the Junkers Ju 87 was machine She was considered the most
suitable machine for controlling point targets in the fall attack. The fall was
the attack at that time considered to be expedient Attack against point
targets. This view came through even in the ranks of the experts of the
Technical Office, so that the elaboration of this struggle pattern and the
training of flight personnel were conducted in the fall of martial art with the
utmost determination. According to relevant locations in the Aviation Ministry
considers the fall fighting machine should shoot from a height of about 3000 m
in an almost perpendicular steep flight to the target, notching the bomb load
at an altitude of 2000 m, will then be captured and out controlled from the
battlefield. This attack tactics was dominated after a thorough training of
pilots in nearly perfect manner. If the discharge height of the bomb load was
located about 2,000 m, so therefore, to avoid the danger zone of low-flying
aircraft weapons. The Reith width automatic antiaircraft weapons was about 1500
m. The use of the heavy ships' against dive bombers, was not considered to be
significant because of the short time in which expired the offensive operation.
Still lacking with increasing armor of warships the armor-piercing weapon!
1936 the famous fighter pilot of World War I, E. Udet, the
prescribed Also after the war continued in aviation and made a name for his
aerobatics, had been invited to a sporting event flight to America. There he
had very impressed by his daredevil aerobatics parades and had come over the
air sporting event with circles of the American Air Force in conjunction. Udet
enjoyed high reputation in America and was one of the few pilots who could
build a bridge to understanding between America and Germany. It came to him in
the discussions on the further expansion of the Air Force very accommodating,
heard his proposals carefully and went so far as to give him a gentleman's
agreement to present in America experiences in the field of air forces widely
noted. So Udet came back with a number of valuable experiences and documents.
Among these documents, there was also the material for the American launched
munitions. It included the drawings for the 50 kg 250 kg and the 500 kg bomb -
all blockbusters. These documents were given to the ballistic department of
Rheinmetall-Borsig note and review. Marquard asked to consider whether they
could stay with this structure, or should they develop according to new
viewpoints. It was in these blockbusters to welded Konstraktionen for cases in
which, unfortunately, the welds at high stress areas were
On the route from Berlin to Mecklenburg Neustrelitz located.
From there a small railway runs to Rechlin. The place Rechlin lies embedded in
the Lake District of Mecklenburg country. In its immediate vicinity had been
constructed the new testing space of the Luftwaffe. There, the model of the Air
Force a sharp probation test were subjected. Away from the airfield on a
secluded, the safety regulations sufficient grounds, Marquard had raised an
intercept position for the bomb testing. A huge concrete surface in the order
100x100 m was the target. Meßstände with Photo and cinetheodolites completed
the picture of this bombing attempt course. You could track the paths, speed
and impact effect of the bombs. The first tests were carried out with the now
reconstructed American launched munitions. The fall of attacks were carried out
via radio communications with the crew pilots according to precise rules, and
the participants involved in the experiments always heard the familiar commands
"machine flies at" - "machine crashes" - "triggered
Abwurfmuntion" - "machine intercepted nosedive". Not always the
concrete target has been met, since the overthrow of military equipment would
be learned first. Quick but the meeting near the target cross was better. It
turned out after the first experiments that the American launched munitions
themselves against lightweight concrete objectives, because such presented the
concrete slab of forty centimeters thick is, was totally unsuitable because
regularly tore the weld points between the head and casing; detonation of the
explosive charge of the exercise provided with time ignition igniter could not
be reached because the bombs had gone ahead to break. So there had to be new
constructive ways been looking for blockbusters.
The contact between the Wehrmacht and exchange of experience
in the munitions sector had become more closely now. Also contributed to the
efforts of the different arms companies which aufzeigten many points where
developments were backward. There was still plenty armor-piercing munitions
launched in the air force. More and more pushed the thought to the forefront,
planning to take a drop ammunition for armored targets, ie, in particular for
ship targets. It was known that the Navy was in a constant race between
projectile and armor for decades. It was in this branch of the Wehrmacht
already tradition. But the race between projectile and armor made his also
increasingly on the army; because the armor for nascent in the development of
armored vehicles were becoming stronger. And with the looming higher combat
capability of the Air Force and the armor-piercing ammunition was a need of the
hour for this branch of the Wehrmacht.
The technical experts of the Air Force were well aware that
the dive bombing technique whose most zealous representatives of the Deputy
Ministers, meanwhile, General Udet himself was, alone was not enough to make it
through hit an armored warship incapacitating. One had to look for new
At this time, the developer proposed the construction of
tanks bombs with rocket propulsion for fighting ship units with armored decks
in the air force (RLM). It was this development, the code name "ballast
accelerator". Since the development of the R-powder rocket engines still
in its infancy, one was in to transmitting new development initially rely to
use the S-powder propellant charges. The first drafts looked like that you want
of a better technical possibilities for a 50kg tank shell had to choose a
multi-drive of the same deflagrating S powder rockets. 3 sets were placed in
combination for this ballast type of accelerator. The tank shell itself had 15
cm caliber. a For the 28 cm-tank rounds, with had sek meet impact speed of at
least 350 m / the ship target in order to strike a drive of 5 S-powder rocket
records was provided. The 21 cm ballast accelerator had a weight of 150 kg,
while the 28 cm ballast accelerator having a weight of approximately 250 kg.
The 21cm ballast accelerator with the S-rocket engine was tested in the
development up to the state tests. This development was then undermined by the
creation of larger drive units with R-powder propellant charges that were much
more powerful and allowed greater impact speed of armored bombs. Thus arose
designs for the 200 kilo and 500 kilos armor bombs at the same weight had a
significantly greater impact ability when comparing with the ballast
accelerator of S powder drives.
The tank explosive shell is connected to the drive part or
missile body by means of an intermediate tube, takes place from which the
current command for the electrical ignition of the propellant charge and the
explosive charge of the projectile with an associated delay. The accentuation
of the propellant sat about 2-3 seconds after release or the replacement of the
bombing of the machine. The delay for the initiation of the detonator by
contact triggering at the impact of the bomb was only a few hundredths of a
Im Anschluß an diese Erstkonstruktionen wurde das Projekt
einer 500 kg Panzerbombe ebenfalls mit einem Kaliber von 28 cm in Angriff
genommen, weil die verbesserte Ju 87 B eine Abwurfmunition von 500 kg im
Sturzflug mitführen konnte. Diese Bombe hatte als Nutzlastkopf eine 28 cm
Panzersprenggranate. Die Entwicklung der Raketenbombe ging nicht schnell
vonstatten, weil von höchster Stelle der Luftwaffe immer wieder eingewendet
wurde, daß die Treffähigkeit der Raketenbomben zu gering und so der
Munitionsaufwand zu groß sei. Diese abwegige Beurteilung der Raketenbomben
konnte erst nach einer Reihe von systematisch durchgeführten Abwurfversuchen
mit Bahn Vermessungen zerstreut werden. Die Erprobungen selbst zogen sich bis
in das erste Kriegsjahr hin.
Später ordnete Göring die Entwicklung schwerer
Abwurfmunition zur Bekämpfung von Schiffszielen an. Das war das sogenannte
Y-Programm für schwere Bomben von 500 kg aufwärts. Es entstanden die
Minenbomben SC 1000 (Tarnbezeichnung Hermann), SC 2000 (Siegmund), SA 4000
(Satan) und die Raketen-Panzerbomben PC 500 RS (Pauline), PC 1000 RS (Paul), PC
1750 RS (Pirat). Daneben gab es auch noch mehrere Halbpanzerbombentypen, deren
größter Typ die Bombe von 1400 kg (Fritz) war. Sie erreichte einen
Panzerdurchschlag von 160 mm bei 60°Auftreffwinkel. Diese Bombe schälte sich
als Standardtyp heraus. Göring hat von seiner Auffassung über die große
Wirksamkeit der Minenbomben nicht abgelassen. Die schweren SC Typen wurden von
ihm befohlen. Die erste SC 1000 erhielt daher den Tarnnamen
![]() |
Interim Report PC 500 RS from
In the course of the Y-program include the development of a
large Air Force development work for heavy rocket ammunition were ordered.
Prof. Heinrich Klein and with the two top engineers Steingrübner and Müller's
work near Berlin was brought up in the halls of a freight wagon repair factory
of the Reichsbahn and delivered after just one year all prototypes of heavy
armor-piercing launched munitions, including remote-controlled bomb Fritz (X)
later the first Flaraketen, type "Rhine daughter", and the first
multi-stage rocket "Rheinbote".
After careful training of pilots for the fall fight with the
Ju 88, began in the spring of 1941 the first use of rocket bombs against enemy
warships in the Mediterranean Sea. When the first reports came to England,
wrote the London press:
"The Germans have a new formidable weapon -. The rocket
bomb an eerie feeling creeps everyone who has experienced their application
even if the bomber attaches to fall on his goal, as he lunged at right angles
to this, but then in the given. moment fades the bomb, this after a few
seconds, snarling and hissing, faster and faster, zustürzt to the target, then
you can experience seconds of paralyzing helplessness. The rocket bomb is the
greatest invention that we have learned from the Germans for decades. "
An inquiry in the lower house of the Secretary of Defense, if
there was no defense against this new weapon had to be answered in the
During this time, squadron commander Captain Peltz was with
his men one of the most successful fighter pilot in the use of rocket bombs. He
forced through his dangerous attacks the British naval units in the output
ports back. Even Captain Baumbach, another bold battle squadron leader was
feared. Peltz pushed - probably unique in an officer's career - as a 28 year
old Captain within 2 years to major general on.
Shortly afterwards, the first comprehensive use of ballast
accelerators, half armor bombs and blockbusters with weights of 500 to about
1500 kg occurred. It was the end of May 1941. This attack was the prelude to
the invasion of the island of Crete. He was stationed in Souda Bay warship
units, and a gathered there tanker fleet and the airfields on the island. The
attack was flown from the X Air Corps, which was under the leadership of
General Wolfram v. Richthofen, so that officer who had conducted 5 years ago,
the Condor Legion in Spain.
After taking the island of Crete, a small group, namely the
Inspector of the bombers, General Plochingen, flying Oberstabsarzt engineer
flew v. Gordon and Prof. Heinrich Klein Italy, Greece to Crete, to the effects
of heavy air raid on the stationed in Souda Bay naval units to study. The
warship Association had consisted of two protected cruisers, 4 unprotected
cruisers and a number of torpedo boats and a fleet of about 20 tankers. The
entire navy and merchant fleet units were smashed. The heavy tank bombs had
done a great job. They had the superstructure battered smooth with the
protected cruisers and had advanced to the protected machinery spaces or
ammunition chambers and detonates there. It was no different fared unprotected
cruisers and torpedo boats that were so badly damaged that they had failed or
completely unmanageable. The tankers, which were slightly outside the bay, but
still in the shallow waters, infected either bow or stern side aground and
stuck spooky emerge from the water surface. It was not easy to come on deck
this battered ships to fathom about how the bombs themselves had an impact on
the ship's destinations.
The officer in Souda Bay, a paratrooper captain, explained
that significant resistance has not been done at the landing maneuvers on the
part of the British naval forces stationed there. They were so shocked by the
attack that they had taken the courage to fight on.
Another time was, used the X Air Corps, which was trained
for the use of heavy shedding ammunition at a large-scale operation. That was
at the siege of the Russian fortress of Sevastopol on the Black Sea.
Associations of the Air Corps contributed significantly to the destruction of
the strong fortifications with heaviest rocket-tank bombs at in conjunction
with the heaviest artillery of the army, including the 80 cm-Eisenbahngeschhütz
Dora. The conclusion and the crowning of success with the use of the most
severe drop ammunition was the destruction of the Italian battleship Roma,
which operated on the side of the Allied forces, with the 1450 kg heavy
downstream and remote-controlled tanks bomb Fritz X. Dr. Max Kramer, Head of
Department in the German Research Institute for Aviation had already dealt in
1937 with the remote control of the case bombs.
Note: The remote-controlled bomb Fritz Panzer X - we will
deal with in a separate article in the near future!
III. Tracked armored bombs
Use: against armored targets (ships)
Here you had put the problem to fight heavily armored ship
units more effectively. First you had in fact believed battleships, z. B. the
English "Nelson" class to be able to deal effectively with the SC
1800's. But the armored 160 mm main deck was again protected by more decks of
30 mm and 10 mm , directed Deck hit only medium damage. It was suggested to
achieve water hits within a 2.5-m-limit from the ship, because the resulting in
the case of pressure even with armor up to 60 mm thickness caused severe
damage. How many bombs are necessary , just to score a goal also to enemy
anti-aircraft fire, the lying from March 30 to April 21, 1941 on in Brest
German battleships "Gneisenau" and "Scharnhorst" show us
dropped 2870 bombs with which every ship only ever a Results were achieved.
![]() |
Battleship, the English "Nelson" class |
Well, after all, it was found that in the recommended
procedures for the battleship "Nelson" is merely a target area of
860 m2 remained, while the entire top surface was about five times greater
with 4800 m2. It had to be some way, this powerful deck armor to by beat. Rh.
B. then proposed the TS 3 in front, a 1584 mm long bomb of 368 mm diameter,
which was a six-sided, hardened steel pyramid on its head. When hitting this
1000 kg heavy bombing should according to the type of Vickers hardness tests in
the armor cracks through which the tank "broken" was. Another
suggestion was to fire heavy Pz.Bomben nosedive from a BSR (bomb shot sleeve)
and take advantage of the extra speed to the breakdown. Experiments were
carried out with rearranged to smooth runs prey cannons cal. 380, 560 and 680
mm. This was followed by the development of "ejection bomb", where
one out fired a Pz.Geschoß from the tubular casing of the bomb body shortly
before the finish. A similar solution was the "Coat bomb" of 1680 mm
length and 450 mm in diameter, from which the Pz.Geschoß yet further 160 mm
stand out. A new feature was also proposed by the KG-special group of LFA end
of 1940 RP (direction detonation tank) bomb, from the after penetration of the
upper deck only one fired by a pulse detonator Pz.Gr. should penetrate the main
Of all these developments some experimental series were only
from the ejection bomb manufactured and tested.
List of driven armored bombs:
Designation Weight in kg diameter in mm length in mm in kg
PC 500 RS "Pauline" 625 300 2100 14.5
PC 500 AP 502 307 2009 10
PC PD 500 - - - -
PC 1000 RS "Paul" 1040 395 2220 65
PC 1750 RS "Pirate" (project) - 536 2690 -
PC 1800 RS "Panther" 2115 536 2690 220
? PC 2000 RS? (see report Unterlüss) 2000-2600 180
Since the APP bombs brought too little explosives in the
goal were at Rhein Metal Borsig but now started experiments with the RS-bombs,
including one as a test pattern specifically a PC 20 RS created. First you
tried as a propellant ordinary black powder, and it came through uneven
Ab-brand excessive slippages and even Bahnkrepierern. One renounced now on the
central nozzle and tried without success a model with three individual nozzle.
Now you knew an SD 50 with a 12 kg RS engine from 5 Diglykolröhren of each 0.58
kg weight, which were then replaced by two kidney-shaped charges, each 1.85 kg.
There is a thrust of 1360 kp was produced with a burning time of 0.5 sec.
![]() |
Focke Wulf works from 01.11.1939 |
The planned 70 PC RS was stopped again in its development,
the 24 kg RS-motor having a propellant charge of 8.75 kg was used but at the SD
70, being at a burning time of 0.7 sec. By a boost in 2285 kp reached. It was
now on operational pattern over and provided the SC 500 with such an engine,
carrying 71 kg Diglykolpulver. With a burn time of 2 sec. Achieved is a thrust
of 6500 kp. This type was used in small quantities in the deep attack against
protected targets such. B. Flakkonzentrationen. In August 1942, the
developments were completed and the first operational Pz.Bombe we can the PC
view 500 RS "Pauline", the (576 km / h =) reached by the additional
rocket engine is a 160 m / sec. Higher impact speed, thereby increased penetration
capability to nearly 200 mm armor steel. Even with the drop in the horizontal
attack from 3500 m height were penetrated nor 190 mm. In the battleship
"Nelson" were by the PC 500 RS almost 88% of the top surface punch at
Specifications for the PC 500 RSAP, PD) "Pauline":
Length 2100 mm
Diameter 300 mm
Diameter of 300 mm Pz.Kopfes
Length of 856 mm Pz.Kopfes
Total weight 625 kg
Engine weight 130 kg
Propellant 27.4 kg
12-14.5 kg explosives
Burning time 2.4 sec.
Thrust max. 2080 kp
From the "Pauline" who was wearing a three flat
tail with 8 additional tail stumps, about 600 pieces in the various bearings by
the company Rhein Metal Borsig, who had also taken over the development of the
other RS-bombs at Dr. Klein, been delivered.
The structure was in all RS-bombs equal to: The normal
Pz.Bombe was by means of an intermediate piece which contained the electrically
actuated ignition system, with the rear part, in which the engine was (from St.
45.29) housed with the propellent charge, respectively. As a propellant mixture
of Diglykolpulver a Schwarzpulverbeiladung was (sporadically also a
Nitroglyzerinpulver) used which was designated PMF 109th When ex-litter carried
by the ignition system, the ignition of the propellant charge, thereafter, by a
ZZ of Bd.Z. the Pz.Bombe unlocked, the only addressed when the main deck but
was already hit.
![]() |
PC 500 RS-sectional drawing |
V. PC 1000 RS "Paul"
Use against bunkers and battleships. Only in fall at least
50 °. Use only after special training!
Total length of the PC 1000 RS 2220 mm diameter of the PC
1000 RS 398 mm.
Classification, thick-walled bomb made of tempered material
with hardened steel. Instead of the normal tail unit a drive member (rocket-set
suspension is mounted. The rocket pack occurs ~ 2.7 sec after dropping in
activity and wirkt- 3 sec.. Carried out by Aufhängewarze.
Blue stripes on the conical surfaces of the tail unit.
1 PC 1000 RS on Caddy 2 (TG 2). (Curb weight about 65 kg.)
Special Note:
Used in PC RS 500 and PC 1000 RS detonators made of light
metal (49) A II and the base fuse (49) A and III (49) B III are not properly
and were therefore replaced. To avoid that bombs go with unexchanged detonators
used bombs with detonators exchanged have been marked by a red circle around
the mouth hole socket followed by red line on the wart and recently slash.
Bombs with detonators old, without labeling above, led to unexploded ordnance
and could therefore not be used!
In Mindestauftreffwinkel of 60 ° punch of 180 mm armor
With the used PC 1000 RS "Paul", were made by the
more than 4000 pieces, were achieved in the Mediterranean on a cruiser
"Dido" class a hit, the bomb hit at a speed of 1152 km / h and the
igniter language 0.065 sec. after the impact on, but as the bomb had already
leaked out of the ship's bottom and detonated 5 m below the water.
![]() |
PC 1000 RS "Paul" |
Comparatively follow the strengths of the various Pz.Decks
for some types of ships:
Strengths of various Pz.Decks for some types of ships:
Battleship Heavy Cruiser Light Cruiser
Splitter Deck 30 mm 30 mm 30 mm
Steerage 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm
Armored deck 159 mm 80 mm 40 mm
Technische Daten der PC 1000 RS „Paul":
2220 mm
395 mm
Durchmesser des Pz.Kopfes
395 mm
Länge des Pz.Kopfes
1190 mm
1040 kg
65 kg
AZ 49
320 m/Sek.
PC 1000 RS A (with disused propellant charge!)
She is the former one-piece, thick-walled PC 1000 RS with an
former propellant tempered steel with hardened tip. Total length of the PC
RS-1000 A = 2200 mm diameter of the PC RS-1000 A = 398 mm.
Used against average bunker, heavy cruisers, aircraft
carriers and battleships from horizontal flight to special union documents.
(Tail shape and weight.) Always turn When using ZSK on mV! Focal detonators for
rocket pack then gets no ignition voltage, ie it is virtually shut down. The
PC-1000RS A then falls without additional drive like any other bomb.
The painting is beige gray, from the following tail plates
are blue stripes. The bomb is labeled with: PC 1000 A with RS decommissioned
In a Mindestauftreffwinkel of 60 'and a minimum drop height
of 5000 m 180 mm armor steel are pierced.
VI. PC 1750 RS "Pirate" (project)
Precursor of the "Driven panzer-bombs"
Under the above designation was designed a bomb form in
October 1942 at the company Rhein Metal Borsig, which can be "Driven
panzer-bombs" regarded as the precursor of. At an ogival tip of 620 mm
length a 1042 mm long cylinder of 536 mm diameter was set, which a few steps
facets was followed by a 520 mm long tail. for the stabilization caused a
twelve flat tail of 857 mm wingspan. Apart from wind tunnel experiments that a
drag coefficient of cw revealed for the first pattern 0.274, which can then by
means of the lining of the stages facets to 0.234 was able to reduce, is the
continuation of the project, unfortunately, nothing is known. When the
"pirate" with 2690 mm the same length as the RS-bomb
"Panther" had, but he was in shape rather with the PC 1000 RS
![]() |
The hitherto us only known image of a "pirate" RS Bomb! |
VII. PC / PD 1800 RS "Panther"
As the largest bombing this group had the PC 1800 RS
"Panther" developed which, with 972 km / h impinging, could penetrate
180 mm armor steel. When the relatively large explosive charge then exploded in
the engine room, you could utmost with the safe sinking itself ship units
Specifications for the PC in 1800 RS "Panther":
Length 2690 mm
Diameter 536 mm
Diameter of 536 mm Pz.Kopfes
Length of 1750 mm Pz.Kopfes
Total weight 2115 kg
220 kg explosives PMF 109
Igniter AZ (49) C
PC 1800 RS
List production figures PC 1800 RS
VIII. Documents
10.07.1942 pdf. 1 MB
Reich Minister of Aviation 04/20/1944 pdf. 1 MB
Ju 87 B u. R launched weapon system pdf. 4 MB
Ju 88 use armor piercing bomb PC 1000 RS pdf. 11 MB
IX. picture Archive
PC 500 RS (APPD)
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