Thursday, July
17, was an exciting day at the Paul E. Garber Restoration Facility, and
another step towards the completion of one major aircraft currently
undergoing restoration: the wing of the Heinkel He 219 Uhunight
fighter was prepared for its move to the Udvar Hazy Center in Chantilly, VA.
The He 219 was Germany’s best night fighter in World War II, and possibly the
best night fighter of the war. It was a piston-engine aircraft specifically
designed for night fighting operation — a status it shared with only one
other aircraft in the war, the American Northrop P-61 Black Widow.
Notable features include the first steerable nose wheel on an operational
German aircraft, the world’s first ejection seats on an operational aircraft,
and cannons mounted to fire at an oblique angle (the so-called “Schräge

The easy part, using nothing but manpower: The He 219 wing is rolled out of the paint booth, standing 4 m (13 feet) high and about 19 m (63 feet) long.
The Museum’s He
219, built in 1944, has been undergoing restoration for many years. Its
fuselage and engines are already exhibited at Udvar-Hazy Center. The wing —
with a span of about approximately 19 meters (63 feet) — had undergone
painting at the Garber paint shop, while being kept on a special-built,
two-piece stand that would enable the restoration team to rotate the wing
from an upright attitude to its normal horizontal position, a necessary
step to get the heavy and unwieldy object ready for transport on a flatbed
The wing
rotation crew. Seventy years after their original production, the He 219’s
wing looks like new. Note the position of the Balkenkreuz on
the outer wing panels. Although Luftwaffe regulations routinely specified
that this insignia be placed parallel to the leading edge of the wing,
Heinkel located it in a slightly different position, parallel to the spar,
which was exactly reproduced by Museum experts. Clearly visible are the blue
horizontal and yellow vertical stand the wing is mounted to.
On the morning
of July 17, 2014, about a dozen employees from the restoration workshop and
the Collections Processing Unit (CPU) were involved in flipping the wings 90
degrees, a process that took three hours and involved some heavy lifting,
with the wings weighing in at about 2,223 kilograms (4,900 pounds), and the
stand at an additional 454 kilograms (1,000 pounds).
To lift the wing
from the first stand, straps are attached to the wing lifting fixtures. Here,
Dave Wilson and Tony Carp check the position of these straps.
Within the weeks
to come, the wing will be taken to the Udvar-Hazy Center where it will
receive its final coat of green/blue Wellenmuster (wave
pattern) camouflage paint, before being assembled with the fuselage later this
year. Meanwhile, curatorial staff, restoration experts, and volunteers are
working on the last major component toward the completion of the aircraft —
the replacement of the He 219’s famous ”stag antlers” FuG 220 antenna array.
The Museum’s aircraft lost its antenna at some point in its lifetime. An
original FuG 220 antenna array from a European museum will be brought to the
Udvar-Hazy Center later this year, where Museum staff will reverse-engineer
the components, in order to complete the night fighter’s identity. Once
finished, our He 219 will be the only aircraft of its kind on display
After removing
the first stand, heavy equipment is employed in rotating the wing 90°.
Patiently and precisely, all equipment is put in place, and two staff members
act as true “wingmen,” closely watching the wing as it is rotated.
Once on the
ground, wing and stand are measured one more time to determine the needs for
their final transport. Subsequently, the wing was rolled back into the paint
shop, and is now ready to be shipped to Udvar-Hazy Center.
Crellin is a curator in the Aeronautics Department at the National Air
and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Dave Wilson,
museum specialist in the restoration workshop, contributed to this blog. (15)
little descrption
The He 219, with
its flattened fuselage sides, large engine nacelles and firmly set tricycle
landing gear was not, at first sight, a particularly pretty aircraft.
Its funny-looking nose, which made one think of a prehistoric reptile,
bristled with radar antennas, known in military vernacular as ‘stag’s
antlers’. In my opinion, the Heinkel was far less likely to be considered an
aesthetically pleasing construction than any of its contemporary fighter
![Starboard side of the radar operator’s position in He 219 A-0. [Kagero archive]](file:///C:\Users\Laptop\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image023.jpg)
When I saw the He 219 for the first time at Grove, nearly two years after its conspicuous debut with Maj. Streib at the controls, I was actually more interested in the Arado Ar 234 B. Hence, I gave the He 219 only a cursory glance. Later on, five He 219s were shipped, one by one, from Schleswig to the RAE (Royal Aircraft Establishment) at Farnborough. Shortly afterwards, I had an opportunity to fly three of those five. There were four He 219s of the A-2 variant from the first production run and one He 219 A-5. The latter was in fact the He 219 V11, which after an accident had been rebuilt to A-5 configuration [In fact, these were four He 219 A-7s and one He 219 A-2. The He 219 V11 was found in pieces at Heinkel Schwechat factory]. At Farnborough we were not supposed to focus on the He 219s’ performance and handling; we were instead to examine some of their onboard equipment, which was of great interest to the RAF. Nevertheless, I flew the Heinkels so many times that I was able to thoroughly test their handling.
a pilot’s point of view, what impressed me most about the He 219 was the
superbly located
cockpit. It was mounted relatively high and was accessible by a ladder.
Once the crew
took their seats, a groundcrew member folded the ladder and stowed it in
a purpose-designed hatch located in the port, lower part of the
fuselage. The upper part of the cockpit’s canopy was made of a large,
single piece of Plexiglas, hinged to starboard. Thus, the cockpit offered
a practically unhindered all-round view. The cockpit itself was quite
roomy, comfortable and well laid-out. The instrument panel was T-shaped as in
most aircraft, with the engine control gauges located to the right.
![]() |
Starboard side of the radar operator’s position in He 219 A-0. [Kagero archive] |
The pilot and the radio operator sat back to back. They were equipped with ejector
seats, their jettison mechanism powered by compressed air. In fact, the
cockpit seemed fitted with every imaginable system known to date, which could
enhance a night fighter’s operational effectiveness.
Initially, the He 219 was to be powered by Daimler-Benz DB 603 G engines
rated at 1,900 hp on take-off, and 1,560 hp at 7,375 m. However, those
powerplants were not ready in autumn 1943 when the first airframes began to
roll off the assembly
line at the Vienna / Schwechat plant. Therefore, DB 603 A engines, rated
at 1,750 hp on take-off, and 1,850 hp (maximum output) at 2,100 m, were used
instead. Such engines powered the He 219 A-2, the variant that I flew on
many occasions. For example, on 21st August 1945 I piloted He 219 A-2, W.Nr.
210 126 [the correct Werknummer was 290 126] from Farnborough to Brize
Norton. Nine days later I transferred another machine (W.Nr.
310 109) [It was a He 219 A-7] via Abingdon to Brize Norton, and on
19th October I took the third A-2, W.Nr. 310 106, from Tangmere to Farnborough
[It was also a He 219 A-7].
I missed an opportunity to fly the later variant, the He 219 A-5 powered
by DB 603 G engines [That must be an error as DB 603 G engines never went
into production]. Nonetheless, I suspect that there were no substantial
differences between the two variants as far as their performance was
The procedure
for starting a DB 603 A engine was very simple: set the fuel cocks
to tanks Nos. 2 and 3 (which were the main central and rear tanks); fuel pump
on; push the throttle lever about one quarter forward, until some resistance
could be felt; set the magneto switches to the ‘M 1+2’ position. The inertia
starter was usually set in motion by an external power unit, although it
could also be done from inside the cockpit. Press the starter control for 10
to 20 seconds, then let go, pull and move to the left in order to prime the
engine. Once the engine had started, adjust the throttle so that it was
running at 1,200 rpm, until the oil and fuel gauges indicated the correct
readings. Let the engine warm up by running it for three minutes at 1,500
rpm, then check the magnetos at 2,000 rpm.
Before taxiing
out all trimmers were set to neutral, the
radiator flaps opened, and the air pressure of the ejector seats checked. In
the case of the pilot’s seat the correct pressure was 80 kg / cm2, and for
the radio operator’s seat the correct value was 50 kg / cm2. The aircraft was
easy to manoeuvre on the ground, although the brakes, which were very
effective, had to be handled carefully. Immediately before takeoff, the
propeller pitch control was set at the 12:15 clock position, and the wing
flaps lowered for takeoff. The takeoff run with full load was impressive –
some 1,500 m with the engines at 2,700 rrpm and 1.4 ata of boost.
According to
German reports I had read, the He 219’s engines had surplus power for
take-off, which allowed the aircraft to safely get off the ground and climb
even if one of the two power units failed. One pilot allegedly took off on one
engine and climbed away with the landing flaps and undercarriage lowered! If
there had been a grain of truth in that report, it must have related to
a rocket-assisted take-off, on a very long runway.
It is my opinion
that the He 219, especially the A-2 variant, was woefully underpowered. The
failure of one engine, especially on take-off at night, must have been
a particularly nasty surprise, for at 220 kph the aircraft could barely
fly level, let alone gain altitude. When you take into account the tendency
to stall as the undercarriage is retracted whilst climbing - a not
uncommon thing in practically all types of aircraft - passing through the 15
to 90 metres of altitude level must surely have been a hairy experience
for He 219 pilots. The aircraft would heave off the ground at 170 kph, and it
was only at 15 metres that the pilot could attempt to raise the landing gear,
this manoeuvre being too dangerous below that height due to the
aforementioned tendency to stall. When the aircraft reached 250 kph and 150
metres of altitude, flaps could be retracted; during that manoeuvre the
aircraft again was prone to stalling. Climbing could be commenced in earnest
at 300 kph, with the engines at 2,600 rpm and 1.3 ata of boost. Only then
could the He 219’s excellent stability in the air be observed.
Optimum climb
rate was achieved at 300 kph, which dropped to 280 kph as the aircraft gained
altitude. Once at 10,000 metres, it was practically impossible to climb any
higher. Upon reaching the
desired altitude the radiator flaps had to be closed and the engines kept at
2,300 rpm and 1.3 ata of boost. In order to extend the aircraft’s range the
pilot could reduce the engine revolutions to 2,000 rpm with 1.05 ata of
Above 6,100
metres the aircraft reacted markedly more sluggishly to full throttle. The
maximum speed attained during the tests was 608 kph, which was lower than
indicated by the German manuals. For the fuel system to function properly, it
was necessary to use up half of the fuel stored in tank Nos. 2 and 3 (which
left a total of 1,000 litres of gasoline in them), then switch to tank
no 1 and empty it.
The cockpit
heating and de-icing system was very efficient. The automatic pilot was easy
to use and trustworthy. The He 219 was certainly a superb all-weather
fighter. The landing procedure was markedly simple: close the radiator flaps,
set the pitch control at the 12 o’clock position, at 300 kph lower the landing
flaps, and at 270 kph drop the landing gear. The upwind turn while coming
down to land could be made at 250 kph. At that point the landing flaps were
fully extended, and the fuel pumps switched off. The aircraft would steadily
lose altitude at 225 kph, and once above the runway, the pilot would throttle
back to 200 kph. The prescribed touchdown speed was 160 kph.
The landing was
very easy. However, it was not advised to keep the front wheel in the air for
long, since the initial phase of the landing run was performed at high speed,
and the aircraft had to be slowed down through resolute use of the brakes.
Thus, it was important to check, prior to landing, the pressure in the
brakes, which had to be not less than 60 kg/cm2. If the value was not as required,
a pilot was expected to press
a button
located next to the brake pressure gauge, until the desired reading was

In my opinion, derived from my personal experience in flying the He 219 A-2, the aircraft did not measure up to its acclaimed reputation.
It was
a good night fighter, but one with the serious flaw of underpowered
engines, an unforgiving fault in a twin-engined aircraft. Losing one
engine in a He 219 on takeoff was very dangerous, as it was on landing
since the other engine did not provide enough power for another circuit.
Overall, the He 219’s mediocre performance made it hardly suitable for the
role it was designed for, which was fighting the British Mosquito. However,
it was a deadly adversary against four-engined bombers.
One can only wonder what effect the He 219 would have had on the night air war over Germany, had the Luftwaffe’s Director General of Equipment not been so opposed to its development and operational use, and had Ernst Heinkel delivered his fighter to frontline units in sufficient numbers”.
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