
Thursday, 11 February 2016

The hakenkreuz in the rays of the rising sun.

Below you can read a list of Luftwaffe planes exported to Japan between 1937 to 1943 on the basis of the agreement on military cooperation III Reich and the Empire of Japan.

All the information coming from files of BA/MA (Bundesarchiv/Militärarchiv) RL 2 III/647 containing information about war material exported to foreign and friendly countries:


  1. 3 x He 118
  2. 4 x He 112
  3. 5 x Bü 131
  4. 1 x Ju 86
  5. 2 x Ju 87


  • 1 x He 116
  • 26 x He 112
  • 1 x Bü 131


  • 14 x Bü 131
  • 1 x Bü 133
  • 2 x Bf 108


  • 2 x He 100


  • 1 x Ju 88
  • 2 x He 119
  • 2 x Bf 109
  • 1 x Fi 156


  • 1 Me 210,
  • 1 x FW 190
  • 3 x Ju 88


  • 2 x Bf 109 
  • 3 x Me 210 
  • 2 x Do 217 
  • 1 x FW 190

Bücker Bü 131 - Kokusai Ki-86A
Messerschmitt Me210

"The only Junkers Ju-87 Stuka received by Japan for evaluation test before the outbreak of WW2. When finished the test, the aircraft, an Ju-87 of the first versions, exactly a Ju-87A-1, knew like Ju-87K-1, was stocked in an hangar at Tokorozawa. Here was destroyed by an Allied air raid toward the end of the war. The photo depicts the Stuka now no more in flight conditions (note, for example, the lack of propeller spinner), on a public display (date, event and location unknown). Victor Sierra"

Japanese Junkers Ju87 B Stuka
Junkers Ju88 in Japanese markings

The document giving the situation on 29.02.1944 also 2 Henschel Hs 129 are listed as ready to shiping but could not be transported.
In list dated 31.12.1944 2 He 177 and 1 Fa 330 were reserved for export to Japan. They were most likely never delivered.

There was only two of exporters of German aircraft equipment to Japan:  Fokkes and Kock and Illies & Co.

If you have any information concerning the subject, we will be grateful for sharing them with us, or to correct our knowledge. :)

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